Make your ideas market-ready sooner.
In the development process, market needs are constantly increasing.
But they are also becoming more divergent. For example, development times are supposed to grow shorter and shorter, but simultaneously, the number of new product launches is increasing, and development budgets remain unchanged. Innovation and new product development, however, are the largest levers to steering corporate success in the long run. The good news is that it is possible to lower development times and increase quality while also reducing costs — that is, if you have the right methods and strategies.
We support you in implementing a Lean Development system which will let you steer your company in a Lean direction and help you be market-ready faster.
Our system of innovation and development is oriented towards Lean criteria: in Lean development, the emphasis is on minimizing lead time as well as increasing efficiency and effectiveness by reducing waste.
What we offer
Your functional strategy will emerge by means of a strategy preview and the resulting roadmaps. With our support, you can integrate these approaches into your development system.
Together, we create robust processes for innovation, development and the start-up period. Our trend radar helps you aim towards the future and concentrate on profitability and feasibility early on.
Separate the advance-development process from the product-development process, install a technology supermarket with fully-developed prototypes, and operate targeted IP management. Concentrate on added value along the value stream. Make use of frontloading and synchronized development. We will guide you at every step.
Staufen assists you as you install a value stream-oriented development structure — including categorizing fields of competence, a robust project-organization system with chief engineers and segmentation.
We work with you to establish an innovation network and anchor the process of continuous improvement at every point throughout the organization. This lets you create a working environment in which creativity, order and transparency are encouraged and promoted.
Multi-project obeya, visual team management and virtual Shop Floor Management create the cornerstones for you to establish extensive visual management right on site where it matters.
Visual transparency can be easily integrated into a lean system of regular communications. With our support, you can install a development controlling system that tracks costs, dates, performance and quality, thus ensuring consistent knowledge management based on standards. This enables you to develop the strategic goal in your organizational unit.
By designing products and services according to lean, you align your goods with the requirements of the customer and the internal departments and you avoid waste which results from an unfavorable product design.
In addition, you can use variant and complexity management to handle the external variety of requirements with a minimal internal variance of components.
For example, you can optimize your product designs for cost-effective and low-waste production, modularize your product structure, or develop standards with a high rate of reuse.
Learn more about variant and complexity management here.
Develop your individual-project management all the way to excellence. By installing a transparent multi-project environment, you can achieve a fact-based approach to projects. Agile methods will let you react quickly and flexibly to uncertainty and changes.
Our Shop Floor Management in individual project management and line organization increases transparency, speed and delivery reliability.
With Staufen, you train your employees tasked with improvement issues to implement Lean development systems by means of variant management, value analyses, Lean training and poka-yoke.