

Forbes Award 2022
September 13, 2022 Global news, News Germany


诗道芬公司获得了双重荣誉:美国商业杂志《福布斯》和德国领先的商业报纸《Handelsblatt》在最近公布的排名中,都将诗道芬这家管理咨询公司列为领先的咨询公司之一。诗道芬公司是顶级咨询公司之一,特别是在工业、汽车行业和家族经营的中型企业中——无论是在国内还是在国际上。  “在短短几周内获得两项著名的奖项仍然是一件特别的事情,即使在咨询行业干了这么多年,”诗道芬德国公司首席执行官Wilhelm Goschy说,他对当前的奖项感到高兴。这两个奖项也很好地反映了诗道芬300多名同事所代表的精神:卓越的行业知识,企业所有者、董事会成员和董事总经理的企业家思维,以及在欧洲、美洲和亚洲的强大国际影响力。 

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Skyline Atlanta GA, USA
August 2, 2022 Global news, News USA

Being one step ahead of the next crisis: Setting up supply chains to be failsafe globally / Staufen is strengthening its foothold in the USA 

In the wake of the global crises, even serious voices are now questioning globalization. Yet fragile supply chains and unstable markets, in general, should not curtail global economic interdependencies. Quite the opposite: Companies seeking a multinational supply chain can successfully protect themselves against outside impacts. This is why the Staufen business consultancy focuses specifically on regionally anchored experts that maintain an international perspective.

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June 27, 2022

Baker, baker, bake me a cake. With lean in the recipe.

Fair trade, bio, green food, meat substitutes, zero waste: Consumers’ demand for higher product quality is on the rise. The 5th Food Club in Cologne provided honest discussion in the food industry. 32 participants took the opportunity for 1.5 days to make new contacts and discuss current developments and future-oriented solutions for the industry.

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March 3, 2022 News Germany

Eight out of ten companies trust financial investors to make a quicker turnaround than other shareholders/Staufen industry paper helps with the selection of the right investor – Private equity study

The German economy has provided a largely positive report on the private equity industry. Financial investors can assist companies as powerful partners especially in difficult situations, say 82% of companies. It is also expected that companies in crisis that have financial investors in their ownership group can succeed in making a quicker turnaround. In an industry analysis by the corporate consulting company Staufen, for which more than 200 shareholders, chairs, and managing directors of German companies were surveyed, it also becomes clear that private equity managers are frequently lacking a deep understanding of the operative day-to-day business of the companies in their portfolio.

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December 16, 2021 Global news, News Germany

Once again, Staufen AG is among Germany’s best management consultancies – Lean management experts are increasingly bringing their operational strength to bear on sustainability projects – Hidden Champions 2022

As in previous years, Staufen AG has been awarded the title of Best Lean Management Consultancy in the eighth installment of the prestigious “Hidden Champions” industry study. It also ranks among the top-ranking leaders in the areas of production, R&D, technology management, operational efficiency, shop floor management, global footprint, and Industry 4.0. For the study, the Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Management und Beratung (Scientific Society for Management and Consulting), headed by Prof. Dietmar Fink, surveyed more than 1,000 executives from major German companies.

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October 5, 2021 Global news, News Germany

BestPracticeDay 2021 explores the challenges and opportunities of transition / International experts present benchmark examples of successful top performers – Congress and livestream

From digitalization to decarbonization – Companies are currently in the midst of one of the biggest transformations in economic history. What are the challenges they need to overcome? What opportunities do they need to seize? And what are high performers doing differently in order to maintain balance within their business? BestPracticeDay 2021 provides answers to these questions. The event will take place on November 23, 2021 in the Stuttgart FILDERHALLE. The congress will also be simultaneously transmitted via livestream.

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September 23, 2021 Global news, News Germany

Every second meeting ends with no results or is superfluous / Only one in three companies successfully implements digital process management – “Collaboration – The key to success” study

In connection with the Corona pandemic, people like to talk about an increase in digitization among companies. But managers and employees still suffer from a flood of emails and inconclusive and superfluous meetings. This can be remedied by digital process management, which prepares information clearly and transparently and brings it to where it is needed. For the “Collaboration – The key to success” study, management consultancy Staufen together with the experts from Staufen.Valuestreamer surveyed more than 300 companies in Germany.

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August 26, 2021 Global news, News Germany

Mid-sized industry the sector with the most experienced crisis managers / Data-driven approaches and scenario mindset still under-utilized – Survey

The German mid-sized sector benefiting from storm-proof managers in challenging times. Four out of ten companies possess real crisis expertise, and an additional three out of ten attest to a satisfactory routine. According to the current “Restructuring 2021” study, half of the companies still only have a short-sighted perspective and do not follow any structured process when it comes to orienting themselves for the future. For the study, the management consultancy Staufen surveyed more than 200 business owners and top managers from companies with an annual turnover of at least 20 million euros.

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