
BestPracticeDay 2021 explores the challenges and opportunities of transition / International experts present benchmark examples of successful top performers – Congress and livestream
From digitalization to decarbonization – Companies are currently in the midst of one of the biggest transformations in economic history. What are the challenges they need to overcome? What opportunities do they need to seize? And what are high performers doing differently in order to maintain balance within their business? BestPracticeDay 2021 provides answers to these questions. The event will take place on November 23, 2021 in the Stuttgart FILDERHALLE. The congress will also be simultaneously transmitted via livestream.
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Every second meeting ends with no results or is superfluous / Only one in three companies successfully implements digital process management – “Collaboration – The key to success” study
In connection with the Corona pandemic, people like to talk about an increase in digitization among companies. But managers and employees still suffer from a flood of emails and inconclusive and superfluous meetings. This can be remedied by digital process management, which prepares information clearly and transparently and brings it to where it is needed. For the “Collaboration – The key to success” study, management consultancy Staufen together with the experts from Staufen.Valuestreamer surveyed more than 300 companies in Germany.
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Mid-sized industry the sector with the most experienced crisis managers / Data-driven approaches and scenario mindset still under-utilized – Survey
The German mid-sized sector benefiting from storm-proof managers in challenging times. Four out of ten companies possess real crisis expertise, and an additional three out of ten attest to a satisfactory routine. According to the current “Restructuring 2021” study, half of the companies still only have a short-sighted perspective and do not follow any structured process when it comes to orienting themselves for the future. For the study, the management consultancy Staufen surveyed more than 200 business owners and top managers from companies with an annual turnover of at least 20 million euros.
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In only one in five companies is collaboration anywhere near where it was before the Corona crisis/Lack of collaboration is already causing efficiency, cost and quality problems – Study
In only one in five companies is collaboration anywhere near where it was before the Corona crisis/Lack of collaboration is already causing efficiency, cost and quality problems. Corona continues to test companies and their employees. According to the current study “Collaboration as the key to success,” only 22 percent of companies currently manage to maintain collaboration at pre-crisis levels. This stressful situation directly impacts companies’ key performance indicators. For example, poor collaboration noticeably reduces efficiency in 72 percent of companies. For the study, business consultancy Staufen, together with the Shop Floor Management experts from Staufen.ValueStreamer surveyed more than 300 companies in Germany.
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Taking a look at the performance of leaders/Avoiding falling back into old patterns of thought – Restructuring after Corona
There will be no back to “business as usual” after Corona, not even with regard to the topic of leadership. For it became clear in the crisis which leadership concepts companies need in order to react so that they are fit for transformations and changes. As a current market study by the consulting company Staufen shows, however, it is proving difficult for many companies to make insights gained in the pandemic into the “new normal.”
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Staufen AG wins over its customers more than ever in the crisis/Consulting company receives award as top expert for the mechanical engineering, automotive, food & beverage, and aviation industries – Best Consultants 2021
Köngen – as part of the renowned industry study by brand eins and Statista, the consulting company Staufen received the “Best Consultants 2021” award in nine categories. Underlying this success is a consulting approach that prepares companies consistently for transformation and adaptation. As in previous years, Staufen won over the trade experts and customers surveyed as an operations expert in its primary industries mechanical engineering and automotive, but it has also achieved recognition as an expert in the fields of supply chain management, restructuring, growth, and innovation and organizational consulting.
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Cooperation agreement was signed between SC&C Partner and Staufen AG for Czech Republic and Slovakia
In April 2020, a cooperation agreement was signed between SC&C Partner and Staufen AG. With this partnership we will further expand our services to the Czech Republic and Slovakia by benefiting from the synergies of the cooperation. SC&C Partner has a team with a lot of practical experience in applied Lean and Six Sigma as well as Statistical Data Processing at hand. Staufen contributes to the partnership especially with its experience and skills in Smart Manufacturing and Lean Leadership. Together we will offer our services to multinational and local companies across the region.
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More than 50 percent of companies will resume “normal” work by the end of the year at the earliest / Lack of demand is burdening the new start that two out of three companies long for – International study
Köngen – Measures introduced around the world to contain the Covid-19 pandemic are developing into a long-term stress test for the industry. 56 percent of companies assume that they will not be able to resume work like before the shutdown until the end of the year at the earliest, or even over the course of next year. According to the current study “New start after the 2020 shutdown,” however, seven percent of companies fear they will not be able to hold out that long. Management consultancy Staufen interviewed more than 730 companies in April for the study. Participants came from Germany, USA, China, Brazil, Mexico, Switzerland, Italy, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Romania.
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Securing the operational business as the watchword of the hour
Köngen – The coronavirus is changing how we live our daily lives. Many schools are not able to stay open and many can not go to work. Theaters, movies and stores are closed. Our previous life is put to the test.
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