In his opening presentation, Wilhelm Goschy, Staufen AG COO, stated, “An adaptable and learning organization has to be ready to step off seemingly safe ground and to make mistakes in the process.” This statement that leaves no space for the misconception that dealing with the current transformation is going to be a walk in the park. “That is why, first of all, we need a trust-based management culture, and second, we also need the right filters, to help us recognize opportunities and risks and assess them. Together, these build a stable foundation that allows us to move confidently and autonomously into the future”, continued Goschy. Prof. Daniel T. Jones joined his voice to the call challenging people to re-evaluate their way of interpreting things. “Those who stick with traditional methods can expect no more than traditional results,” according to the best-selling author and founder of the Lean Enterprise Academy. “To identify a company’s key issues and their related causes, business managers have to change their attitudes and their way of seeing things.” The fact that companies still have a long road to travel was evident in the Change Readiness Index, part of the Staufen Study “Transformation in Change” and first introduced at this year’s BestPractice Day. In more than every second Germany company, the traditional management image still reigns supreme. An on-site survey of more than 350 congress participants produced the same results. How far companies will have travelled in the next 12 months on the road to adaptable and learning organizations will most likely be a topic at “BestPractice Day 2018” on July 3 and 4, 2018 in Darmstadt. About the “Success in Transformation” study For the “Change Readiness Index 2017”, Staufen Consultancy surveyed a total of 658 companies in Germany on the topic of “Success in Transformation” in the spring of 2017. More than 60 percent of the companies surveyed are in the mechanical and plant engineering, electronics and automobile industries. The study will be presented in its entirety in early July at the “BestPractice Day 2017”. You can request a copy of the study ”Success in Transformation“ by contacting: Kathrin Kurz, k.kurz@staufen.ag Press release (.pdf) Press release (.rtf) Impressions of the BestPractice Day 2017