
Predictive Maintenance still well below expectations – Industry 4.0 Index
Three quarters of German industrial companies are not convinced about predictive maintenance. Their performance capability is not sufficient or, at least still upgradeable. Only 6 percent currently see applying predictive maintenance on the basis of process and machine data as being highly beneficial. These are the results of what is now the fourth German Industry 4.0 Index. Approximately 400 German industrial companies were surveyed on behalf of Staufen Consultancy.
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Staufen appoints Michael Hahn and Markus Riegger to management board / Consulting company’s sales grow to €56 million
Effectively immediately, Staufen has added members to its management board. In addition to CEO Martin Haas and COO Wilhelm Goschy, the board of the corporate consulting company will now include Michael Hahn and Markus Riegger as well. Hahn’s new position entails responsibility for consulting operations and HR development. Riegger will assume management of the international consulting business, in-house qualifications and the Staufen Academy.
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Staufen defends its title as Germany’s best Lean management consultant – Hidden Champions 2018
Germany’s top managers have once again named the corporate consultant Staufen the best in the Lean management field, according to the highly-regarded industry study “Hidden Champions 2018.” Dr. Dietmar Fink of the Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Management und Beratung surveyed over 700 managers at German corporations and mid-sized enterprises. What’s more, Staufen ranked among the finest names in the industry in terms of its expertise in purchasing, R&D, technology management, operating efficiency, shopfloor management, Industry 4.0 and as a specialist for the manufacturing industry.
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Staufen’s 10th anniversary in Poland and Italy
One of the most important topics that manufacturing companies face around the globe is having efficient processes. The goal is to make the company fit and agile enough to hold its own against international competitors. As one of the leading figures in the field of Lean management consulting, Staufen has been active for years in many different countries, including Poland and Italy. In 2017, both of these branch offices are celebrating their tenth anniversary. We are honoring the occasion with a brief look back at our work in both countries.
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The learning organization – Adaptability needs a culture of trust – “BestPractice Day 2017“
Megatrends such as digitization, individualization and globalization have considerably increased the complexity of many business models. In fact, an increasing number of businesses are already making use of new technological opportunities to optimize their global supply chains or minimize equipment downtime using predictive maintenance. However, the biggest challenge – as expressed unanimously by participants at this year’s “Best Practice Day”, hosted by Staufen Consulting – remains that of keeping a business in a permanent state of adaptability.
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How companies can successfully shape their transformation // Europe’s leading Lean Management Congress, featuring international leadership and change experts – BestPractice Day 2017
The key focus of the BestPractice Day, Europe’s leading Lean Management Congress, is the current state of industrial, technological, and societal change. On July 4 and 5, in Darmstadt, in keeping with this year’s slogan “Go further – Learn. Lead. Design the change”, international lean pioneers and industry leaders will demonstrate how companies can successfully shape their digital transformation.
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According to the latest “brand eins” study, Staufen AG once again ranks amongst Germany’s leading consultancies – “Best Consultants 2017”
In 2017, too, Staufen AG is seen as one of the best consulting companies in the country. The renowned industry study by brands eins and Statista once again sees the company from Köngen near Stuttgart attain an absolute top position in six industries and sectors. Top managers interviewed for the study awarded top marks for Staufen AG in several fields.
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Staufen Consulting once again ranks among the best workplaces in Germany – Competition
This year, Staufen AG has once again been recognized as one of the best workplaces in Germany. For the third time, the Great Place to Work® Institute recognized the consultancy as one of the 100 leading companies in the 50 to 500 employees category. Furthermore, Staufen AG, with more than 260 employees worldwide, was awarded “Best Workplace in Baden-Württemberg”.
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Staufen AG founds Industry 4.0 subsidiary Digital Neonex and begins a North American marketing campaign – Consultancy will now have more than 260 employees across four continents – On course for a successful future
Staufen continues its trajectory of growth and stays on course for the future. By founding Staufen Digital Neonex GmbH in Stuttgart and locating the headquarters of Staufen Americas in Mexico, Staufen AG is, as of now, in an even better position when it comes to the current megatrends, digitalization and globalization.
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